Saturday, April 2, 2011

If Only I Had a Hybrid or a Windmill or a Printing Pre$$ !

"Idiots Delight" - The term nicely describes an action that is absent of logic and ignores the realities of life as we know it. Obama has perfected this concept in his governing style. Case in point.

The price of oil skyrockets to $108, $14 Trillion in debt is about to destroy our economy, a way is underway on our souther border and what does this president do? He announces that the government has begun the conversion to an all green fleet. Now, I would actually support this activity if a) we had the money to take this action, b) instead of converting the fleet, the fleet was cut in half thus reducing the size and intrusion of government, and c) the vehicles weren't yet another avenue to funnel money to the UAW, General Motors in particular.

Mr. president (small "p" for emphasis) do you really want to help our country reduce dependence on foreign oil? How about opening up our country to new exploration and production; how about we convert vehicles and power plants to natural know that stuff the lives under the U.S. in quantities so large it is beyond virtually impossible to comprehend the size of the reserves. Instead you ask that we figure out a way to  run a vehicle, town, state...on wind mills or algae or solar panels or bullshit!!! Of course, the BS needs to be taxed for emitting excessive quantities of methane.

While our dollar turns to dust you have your Senate sycophants posture for yet another effort to demonize those who attempt to acheive meaningful change. Big Chuckie Schumer carries the water for the democratic caucus that has only one goal - create disruption through the use of personal attacks and disinformation.

Your administration is a malignant disease that has reached the pinnacle of incompetence. Do us all a favor and resign.

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