Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's Just One Battle, Not the War

Well, well, well...A funny thing happened on the way to Socialism. We call it Democracy. My angst over the future of this country is only a bit reduced. But, if a Leftie state like MA can see through the deception, so can the remainder of the nation. Pundits have been blathering non-stop for 2 days now. There is gloating, thanks, ridicule, remorse, surprise, astonishment, anger, and flat out delirium.

Not so fast! The war to take back America is far from finished. The spin we are about to hear should stop us in our tracks. The next few weeks will see more trial balloons than a clear fall sunrise in Santa Fe, NM. Politicians are going to look for the soft spot in the underbellies of voting public. For instance - Obama, Frank, Schumer, and Reid have all begun the new onslaught of propaganda. "We moved too fast and asked for too much," "Incremental change is a better way to go about reforming health care," "It's time to work with the GOP to work out real compromise and bipartisanship," and , my personal favorite from our President, "I was so busy getting things done that I lost touch with the American People." Right! The only thing Mr. Prez lost touch with was his ego which grew to outlandish proportions.

So, what now? Do not lose track of the end goal. Making Washington the voice of us, the People. They work for us, the People. The country belongs to us, the People - not ACORN, Wall Street, SEIU, the elite Left, the Banks, or any other entity.

Be aware of a new onslaught of false prophets feigning easy access to Nirvana, so long as the People fall in line and stop with the dissent. Lexington and Concord were small, highly symbolic victories; but, the war ended at Yorktown 5 long years later. I close with quotations from two of the Greatest Americans, Thomas Jefferson and Ronald Reagan.

"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." Jefferson

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." Reagan

Be vigilant in protecting this great nation. Be vocal in identifying injustice and tyranny. Never, ever take our freedom for granted. God Bless America.