Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Specter of Things to Come

Arlen Specter, deeply tenured member of the U.S. Senate States mused,"I have found myself increasingly at odds with the Republican philosophy and more in line with the philosophy of the Democratic Party," he said at a news conference. He added, "I am not prepared to have my 29 years' record in the United States Senate decided by the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate." (Imagine letting an election determine your fitness for office.)

So, it seems that his overnight decision to formalize his liberalism is based on philosophical differences with the GOP - NOT. Specter clearly states that he can not win the Republican primary in PA. As noted above, Specter will not let a primary election in his own (former) party determine his fate. The Commonwealth of PA has become increasingly Democratic and Specter will certainly receive support from Move-On, ACORN, Soros, Penn, Springsteen and every other Lefty who desires to celebrate the defection. Political expediency once again triumphs over ethics. On second thought, he belongs with the Dems because changing values and deceit are always accepted "principles."

Maybe Sen. Specter should consult with Sen. Lieberman on ethics and personal conviction.

Swine Flu and the Media - All of the Media

There is no doubt that the swine flu is a serious and potentially fatal illness. However, is it possible that the media will cease the hysteria? The media can actually use its power to educate and instill confidence in the country’s ability to deal with something as serious as a pandemic. Regardless of what some extremists may say, the United States has the best healthcare on the planet.

Just one more instance of the media's need to distort and hype.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Barney Frank - The Dyslexic Brain

It can only be explained as dyslexia, confusion, or compulsive lying. Barney Frank is now on tape taking d=credit for both sides of the same issue and blaming Conservatives for both views when that view is not the one Barney is supporting today and so on and so on...

I thank Mark Levin and HotAir.com for bringing awarenes to this travesty.

Exclusive Video: Barney Frank Impales Self Using Own Words
Morgen on April 23, 2009Video: Frank in 2005 — Bubble? What bubble?




Barney Frank argued this week that he had always warned about the excesses of pushing home ownership and had advocated for rentals instead. Our friends at Verum Serum couldn’t believe their ears, because Frank has long been one of the loudest voices supporting the CRA and Fannie/Freddie policies that encouraged irresponsible lending. Here’s Frank making that clear on the floor of Congress on June 27, 2005, in support of the recognition of National Home Ownership Month:

http://hotair.com/archives/2009/04/24/v ... at-bubble/

A Threat a Day Keeps the U.S. at Bay

Mr. President: When is enough enough?  Signed, The American People

North Korea says has started extracting plutonium


US journalists

 to face North Korea trial

US Journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling

US Journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling: work for Al Gore's Current TV. Photograph: Reuters

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Woman Who Would Be Hilary or Needs a Village?

My purpose today is one of inquirer. 

The issue of enhanced interrogation has been rather prominent of late. Insightful comments such as "who knew what when", "did it work", "who said what", "what is a terrorist", "of marginal validity", etc...have been exchanged frequently. Those far more wise than I will determine the moral, ethical, political, abstract, sarcastic, and cynical relevance of the aforementioned queries.

I, on the other hand, have a question.


Ok. The Speaker has been a long time member of the House Intelligence Committee. During her tenure she has been the ranking Democrat on the committee, House Majority Leader, Chairperson of the committee, and Speaker of the House. Highly sensitive briefings were held on the issue of enhanced interrogation over a number of years. Subsequently, the committee members signed off on the restricted circumstances under which these techniques were allowable.

Now, Pelosi says she was either not informed about, misinformed about, inadequately informed about, mislead about, or misunderstood the substance of enhanced interrogation techniques and procedures (you chose, I can't figure it out). So, I must conclude that Speaker Pelosi is either stupid (unlikely, although Hilary might disagree), delusional, confused, asleep, or telling a fib.

My recommendation is for Ms. Pelosi to get back to The Village(s) because the job ain't finished!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Suddenly It is All So clear

  • I'm voting Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves. 
  • I'm voting Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I've decided to marry my horse. 
  • I'm voting Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't. 
  • I'm voting Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would. 
  • I'm voting Democrat because freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it. I'm voting Democrat because, when we pull out of Iraq , I trust that the bad guys will stop what they're doing because they now think we're good people. 
  • I'm voting Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday CAN tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius. 
  • I'm voting Democrat because I'm not concerned about the slaughter of millions of babies so long as we keep all death row inmates alive. 
  • I'm voting Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as THEY see fit. 
  • I'm voting Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would NEVER get their agendas past the voters. 
  • I'm voting Democrat because my head is so firmly planted, that it's unlikely that I'll ever have another point of view.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Hero, Carrie Prejean

Where to start? I have been flummoxed in choosing a subject on which to write. Many troubling events are taking place in this country that provoke thought and comment. It took Carrie Prejean, Miss California, to clear the air. 

The travesty that took place at the Miss USA Pageant may be a glance into the politically correct World desired by Mr. Obama.  After all, look at the overtures made and accepted by Mr. Obama recently. I believe Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega, Raul Castro, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad each represent some form of dictator, fascist, or tyrant; each has murdered his own people as an act of forced subjugation. Intolerance rules in the World of the Politically Correct, as long as the anger is directed at a contrary opinion or an expression of traditional values. While the Left protects First Amendment speech for artists who display urination on an image of Christ, expression of a traditional value is condemned.

The openly gay judge, Perez Hilton, made clear his contempt for Miss California: his right. He called Carrie a "dumb bitch" because she expressed an opinion. Why? Because this woman had the audacity to support heterosexual marriage as her "Biblically correct" belief. While Mr. Hilton demands tolerance for his lifestyle and activism, he is intolerant of others. Might he be a hypocrite? Bigot? Hate monger? You bet-all of the above. An author and fool by the name of Bensen appeared on O'Reilly tonight and stated unequivocally that anyone who disagrees with any gay rights issue is a bigot!

The issue presented here is not that of gay marriage. It goes to the issue of tolerance, acceptance of diverse opinion, and the founding values of our Nation? The tragedy that is the closed mindedness of Mr. Hilton most stop. I can only hope that individuals like Carrie Prejean grow in number. 

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Let's Be Friends Mr. Chavez

u look at the events below, I can only say, "you can't make it up." Make note of the dates of these articles.


April 17, 2009

Good News! Commie Chavez Wants to Be Friends With President Obama



Monday, January 19, 2009

Chavez Likens Obama's 'Stench' to Bush's

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says Barack Obama has the same "stench" as President Bush, suggesting he doesn't appreciate the president-elect's referencing Chavez's support of the Colombian terror group FARC.



Venezuela's Chavez calls Obama "ignoramus"

Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:24pm EDT

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez said on Sunday his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama was at best an "ignoramus" for saying the socialist leader exported terrorism and obstructed progress in Latin America.

"He goes and accuses me of exporting terrorism: the least I can say is that he's a poor ignoramus; he should read and study a little to understand reality," said Chavez, who heads a group of left-wing Latin American leaders opposed to the U.S. influence in the region.


Time to Embrace Iran

Mr. President,

What better time to bow down to Iran than right now. Since an American reporter is going away to an Iranian prison*, you can apologize yet again for the sins of the United States. The fairness of the trial is without equal in its scope. Maybe another Czar is required to oversee the transition to this swift form of justice in the U.S., the ACLU exempted. In fact, you can even condemn the U.S. Embassy employees who were rightfully imprisoned in 1978. Just think of how this will enhance your stature as an apologist for President Carter's lack of action.

* The journalist's Iranian-born father, Reza Saberi, told NPR that his daughter was convicted Wednesday, two days after she appeared before an Iranian court in an unusually swift one-day closed-door trial. The court waited until Saturday to announce its decision to the lawyers, he said.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Hey, Brown University, I am of Italian Decent

My letter to the President of Brown Universtity.

President Simmons:

Brown University was, at one time, a proud institution of higher learning. Today, it has sunken to the level of indoctrinating students in Liberal Political Correctness.

There is no greater proof of the University’s arrogant and insular mindset than the recent abolition of Columbus Day. Brown U. states that Columbus mistreated American Indians and brought disease to North America. You are correct. I would mention, however, that the Karankawa tribes of South Texas were cannibals. The Kiowa, Pawnee, Comanche, and Sioux nations all practiced some form of enslavement, took coupe (i.e., scalps) during inter-tribal warfare, and tortured each other. You are surely aware of human sacrifice, as practiced by the Indians of Central America.

Given these circumstances, how do you justify the ridiculous actions of Brown University? Please do not tell me that a democratic (Or, should I say a Democratic? Secular progressive? Liberal? Left wing?) process concluded in removing a holiday honoring the genesis of our society. Columbus Day goes far beyond the man.

On a parallel note, Columbus Day has come to represent a celebration for Italian-Americans and Americans of Italian descent. Yes, the ethnicity of a Western European culture can be celebrated. As an American of Italian decent I am offended by the dismissal of a day celebrating my ethnicity.

Please consider injecting sanity into the spiraling insanity that infects this nation. You have this sacred responsibility to your University, your students, and your country.

Pork, Pork, Nothing but Pork

Senator Chris Dodd has been able to raise a whopping $4,000 from residents in his home state of CT this year. However, $600,000 has arrived from outside the State. Could this have something to do with lies the good Senator told to his constituents about the AIG bonuses? You bet it does.

Should we follow the money? Good luck. 

School Vouchers in DC

I am sitting here watching a working Mom with 3 kids speak about school vouchers. This family lives in Washington, DC and the oldest of the kids has been able to attend a private, parochial school using the $7,500 voucher. In contrast, the DC public schools spend $15,000 per student to produce some of the most poorly educated students in the country. The high schools in DC have a less than 30% achievment level in all subjects measured in the No Child Left Behind standards.

So, in their collective and far-reaching wisdom Congress has killed the voucher system in DC. Not one dollar of the stimulus (read payola and patronage) will go to the voucher program or DC public schools. Why? I do not know. You might ask the teachers union (NEA), but me thinks that there is an agenda present in that group.

The parents of 1,700 DC students are crushed by the decision to end the voucher option (read: scholarship) for kids and families that have the ambition to improve themselves and their futures. Once again, a socialist agenda trumps the common good. The kids locked in a ghetto who want to advance are once again the hostages of politics, power, and greed.

Thank you President Obama.

Now, a word to you Leftists out there. You can not accuse the Bush Administration of forcing No Child Left Behind down out throats. Only the NEA is offended by being held to standards, not parents. Also, this is not yet another Bush lead conspiracy, with the likes of Halliburton, to funnel $$ to big government and corporations outside the U.S.

Discourse Cuba

Discourse – def.

(noun) - 1. serious speech or piece of writing

                        2. serious conversation

(verb) - 1. seriously speak or write on topic


Maybe a reason to show a little optimism today about Cuba. Raul Castro indicates he is willing to openly discuss anyting ad everything about relations with the U.S. Oops! Just learned that Raul wants to treated as an equal with President Obama. I guess we had better temper the optimism a bit.

I also present the following commentary from one of our hemisphere's most noteworthy democracries (lower case intended) about the upcomoing Summit of the Americas.

Hugo Chavez said the summit's (intended) final statement and its call for greater democracy reflected American hypocrisy.

"I have no doubt there's more democracy in Cuba," he jeered.

I certainly can only expect great things from the Summit. Maybe the bailout can be exptended to include Cuba. After all, Cuba is the beacon of socialism to which President Obama aspires. The wealth in Cuba was so effectively re-distributed that only the ruling Junta has any wealth at all. However, I can think of no better place to find classic American cars from the 1950's

All of this said, I do hope a meaningful dialogue can open up.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tea Parties: A Coda

Quote from The White House,

"The President is unaware of the Tea Parties,
but has his own event today."

Enough said!

Those Pesky Tea Parties

I took the opportunity to write President Obama this morning. Have a look.

Mr. President,

You have accomplished something that hasn't been done effectively since the days of President Nixon and Watergate. The People (Republicans, Democrats, Independents) have had enough of your unrestrained and immoral spending spree. WE are speaking out directly to you because our elected officials are too busy serving Pork, and not using lobbyists, to listen to us. Just because you have the keys to the vault is not cause to empty it immediately.

Delusion abounds within your junta. Speaker Pelosi states that the Tea Party demonstrations are orchestrated by and for the rich - wrong. Your own Press Secretary dismisses the Tea Parties as minor, amusing, and a demonstration by People who do not get it. You tax cut is the real savior of the middle class American. Right ?!?  A tax cut using money we do not have.

Please look out of the window and wake up to an America that is angry.

Who and Where Are the Terrorists

I'll keep this brief this morning. Janet Napolitano must go, now! Madame Secretary has capped off a month of egregious actions and statements with an inexcusable event. 

A serial review of events -
  • There is no longer a War On Terror
  • American will no longer torture captured terrorists
  • She embraced the closing of Gitmo
  • The U.S. is to blame for the drug-related violence on the Mexican border

So, in order to insure our safety, right-wing extremists are  being watched for evidence of supporting violence within our borders. Among the groups targeted, mentally compromised Veterans must be considered more likely to act violently against the U.S. In a live interview at 7:30 this morning, Napolitano just stated that Timothy McVeigh is an example of a veteran turned to violence. I might ask Napolitano why William Ayers, MoveOn.org, The Daily Kos, and George Soros aren't under the same scrutiny? These vile entities have openly called for actions against our country that could be considered treasonous. 
Real time update. I just viewed a statement made today by President Calderon in Mexico, "American bears a large amount of the responsibility for the violence in Mexico." Yet another opportunity for our apologist President to accept blame for the World's ills. I'm sure that Mexico would long since have emerged from the third world assemblage of nations had it not been for Americans' demand for drugs. I do wonder aloud when the nation that was first settled by Europeans in the 16th Century (i.e., Mexico) is still an emerging nation. Maybe a reduction in 500 years of corruption would be a good first step.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sovereignty, Pride, and Power?

Boy, oh, boy - I take a couple of days off for Spring Break with the family and Mr. Obama accelerates the degradation of America, expanding his efforts globally.

Sovereignty: 1. Independent state
2. Independence
3. Top Authority

Pride: 1. proper sense of own value
2. satisfaction with self
3. feeling of superiority

Power: 1. political control
2. capacity to do something
3. control and influence

In a few short days, President Obama has eroded each of the above tenets of the United States. How you ask?

Well, The President surrendered our economic sovereignty when he signed on to a One World approach, as defined by the G-20, to solving the global economic crisis. You realize that a global currency and a communal economic ruling council is the goal of the G-20. The council will determine economic policy, accounting regulations, and appropriate executive compensation.

American pride has most surely been advanced by having Mrs. Obama throw her arm around Queen Elizabeth's shoulder, shunning the double-cheeked kiss from Mrs. Sarkotsy (this one is really, really tough to undestand), and BOWING to the King of the Saudis. What's the problem you ask? If nothing else, protocol. How can we become a responsible member of the One World of Humble and Mutually Respectful Nations (he asks sarcastically) if our own President can not observe the time-honored traditions of Europe? Again I overlook the obvious, the new world order will be a homogeneous, communal assemblage without the burden of tradition and cultural. 

Now this approach does present a conflicting issue. How can we properly assist the underprivileged, represent the interests of minorities, control borders, and target those who need to demonstrate patriotism through paying higher taxes without recognizing the heritage of the individual? I guess pride needs to be excluded from One World.

Power. China harasses our ships, North Korea launches a missile, Iran announces continued progress in developing nuclear capability, the Russians and Chinese announce that the U.N. will take no immediate action against any nation that screws with the U.S., and Somali Pirates seize a U.S. flagged ship and hold its captain hostage. I can only hope that President Obama finds a copy of Thomas Jefferson's Day-Timer and reads the entry for The Barbary Pirates (hint - it was in 1804). It is a disgrace that we allow scum like these Pirates to victimize international shipping.

Even in the face of these many challenges and insults, who can fail to be proud of the response lead by our President? Yikes! I am mistaken, I was thinking about how VP Biden told off President Bush in the Oval Office - too bad no one present heard him. 


As I finish this entry, the pirates have just hijacked an American owned, Italian flagged ship and want $2 million. Is it possbile that a family of Italians living on the Island of Sicily might take appropriate action?

If any of this rant rings true, please post comments and pass the blog along to others. Americans need to stand up for the great individuals who were our Founders and the principles upon which this country was founded.

Tax Day Tea Party

Hello Friends.

It appears that just maybe America is starting to wake up. We do still have a huge challenge in getting Washington to listen, hear, interpret and take action reflecting our demands. It will not be easy. 

The link above is the home base for Tax Day Tea Parties on the 15th. I urge everyone to attend if possible and pass the link along to others. I think  it appropriate to pass it along to our Left Wing friends as a great way to re-educate them (sorry Chairman Mao, but the phrase works so well).

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Mouse that Roared

Oh no! The United Nations is having an emergency response to the North Korean missile launch. No doubt comrade Kim will surrender in The Hague tomorrow.

The real culprit here is obviously China, who has us by the financial short hairs. The Russians also urge a non-judgmental and calm discussion of this particular poke in the eye. Mr. Obama, now is the time to lead. Simply proclaiming the vision of a nuclear-free world will not cut it. Rouge nations do not respond to empty words.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Simple Protocol - Who's Arrogant?

Imagine the uproar if President and Mrs. Bush had done the following:

1. Given the queen an iPod.
2. Mrs. Bush did not curtsy before the Queen.
3. Mrs. Bush had put her arm around the Queen's shoulder.
4. President Bush shook hands with the First lady in France and did not exchange the double cheek kiss.

Are any of these things truly meaningful, absolutely!

The Bushes would have been accused exhibiting the arrogance of America and ignoring the customs of the Europeans. Again, I agree with the Europeans on this one. You know, agreeing with the Europeans is a bit troubling for me since this attitude signifies disagreeing with our own government. Not good.

Someone in The White House has the job of communicating protocol to the President. It is probably the only job they have. Guess what? They ain't doin' it.

Again, the Lefties have given a pass to His Majesty, The President.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Quick Notes, Re: Obama's Budget Proposal

$3.6 trillion budget

22% increase in government spending

250,000 new government  jobs required to spend all this money

G-20 We Surrender (I mean the U.S.)

Writer's commentary in Blue 

In the practice of the First Amendment let's take a look at the G-20 through my eyes.

The good -
  1. President Obama is getting the rock star treatment, generally considered a good thing.
  2. Mrs. Obama, the new Jackie Kennedy? Apparently.
  3. Initial personal relationships between the President and other leaders - upbeat.
  4. Everyone agrees that the recession is a bad thing. Quite a revelation.

The results -
  1. Hundreds of millions of $$ will be given to the IMF. Who largely funds the IMF? Yeah, it's us.
  2. The U.S. is criticized for causing the recession and is on a reckless spending spree to "fix" the global economic problems.
  3. The Russians, Chinese, Swedes, British, French, Danes, and others have all refused to commit 2% of their respective GDP's toward a Euro bailout. (please refer to the IMF above.) Imagine me agreeing with Europe on spending issues. 
  4. We are now telling the world that a radical Green movement, such as that which holds Europe captive, must thrive in America. The pop-science of the impending doom perpetrated by global warming will now drive energy policy in the U.S. Can we please agree on a sane and focused development and deployment of renewable and clean energy. My family and I have reduced our own consumption of energy by about 20% in the last 3 years.
  5. The G-20 has formed a blue-ribbon panel, actually a red-ribbon panel, to establish guidelines for executive compensation and financial regulations. Global corporate compensation will then adhere to these new regulations. Bye-bye free enterprise.

Comments from EU members in the last 24 hours

"The Washington Consensus is no more" as stated by British PM Gordon Brown.
"The world is moving on from Anglo-Saxon capitalism" - French President Sarkosy

"Now is a unique opportunity to move away from failed capitalism and transition to pan-socialism to give everyone equal access to wealth, services. etc..." - Danish Prime Minister A. Fogh Rasmussen

Translation: Europe can drive policy  and jam it down the throat of the U.S.

Town Hall Campaign Stop in Strasbourg : I paraphrase the President.

  • "The U.S. health care system is unsustainable and we can learn from Europe's more Socialist systems."
  • "We must reach out to Muslims, be open minded with Iran, and embrace at the Chinese.Big applause over we will close Guantanamo, we will not torture." (President Sarkosy has agreed to take ONE detainee being released from Gitmo into France.)
  • "America does not understand Europe's leading role in global politics."
  • "America must be a fair and equal partner in settling global issues."
  • To his credit, "Europe must participate in all issues of substance."
  • "North Korea has been isolated by the aggressive and non-productive foreign policy practiced by the U.S. and now is the time to fix this."
  • "The average American, and European, has a carbon footprint that is huge compared to the remainder of the world. We must reduce this misuse of energy in order to elevate the rest of the world's standard of living. Only when the Chinese and Indian citizen has the same access to prosperity as Westerners will the global economy be truly fair."  I guess the exportation of huge portions of our manufacturing base and IT service industries is not enough.
  • "Trade must be without barriers." News alert! Somebody explain that to the EU.

So I ask you. 
  1. Iran is accelerating its nuclear program and ignores the global objections of the UN.
  2. North Korea is spitting in our eye with the preparation of a missile launch. Or, maybe it is just a feint to test the new President. BTW, a phone call from China would stop the launch.
  3. Russia and China continue to openly trade with Iran.
  4. Chinese ships challenge the U.S. Navy in international waters with no consequences.
  5. By agreeing (read-pandering to) with the world view of society, life will be fair and wonderful. Not to mention socialist.
The question becomes what will our President do to address these 5 issues? Of course, making nice-nice is at the top of the list; but show me actions that represent the resolve of the United States to manage worlds affairs to the betterment of our country first.

Where are George Washington, Abe Lincoln,Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan when we need them? Or, at least someone who has read about any one of them.

American Sovereignty is on the wane.