Friday, June 3, 2011

Our President ???

Mr President,

It seems that there is no limit to your willingness to deceive the American People and move toward economic destruction. At a time when millions are unemployed, underemployed and in dire financial straits you continue to hide from reality. How you say?

First, not presenting a budget to Congress! What kind of garbage is this? Refusing to address in an honest manner the need to CUT real spending in all aspects of the budget. You dare to threaten seniors with untruths about how Medicare reform will effect their lives.

Leading the way for you in Congress are two of the most repulsive leaders I have seen in my lifetime, Harry Reid and Nancy "I am the Queen," Pelosi. These two make a mockery of our government as you instruct them to oppose any meaningful actions that may take place in the legislative process.

While I recognize your quest to drive Socialism into our country, your presence on the World stage has become a joke. How about acting like a President of the United States and not an incompetent third world flunky.

Your complete lack of real life experience now is on display. You do not respect the Office of the President, your predecessors, the Congress and, most egregiously, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

I am embarrassed that you are my President. Why not join a nice country club with your political flunkies and work on your handicap instead of seeking a second term? Our country would be so much better off. If you think about it, this could be your finest act of Patriotism.