Monday, September 21, 2009

In Defense of Poland and the Czech Repubic

An open letter to President Obama,

Your actions on the world stage are frightening. For close to 100 years, the U.S. and most of the free world have worked to secure the sovereignty of much of Eastern Europe. It would be nice if the U.S. continued these efforts. President Reagan brought down the wall and subsequent Presidents have firmly supported Poland and the Czech Republic. Why do you cave into the Russians, and by association, Iran? You and I both realize that a mobile missile system will not be in the right place at the right time. The only known way to stop an ICBM is up close and personal.
It is difficult to ignore your association with GE yet again. Jeffery Immelt will make millions as the caution directed at Russia is dramatically relaxed. The American people do not like the apologist approach you have implemented in our foreign policy. You have an opportunity to begin setting the record straight this week when you are at the U.N. Instead, I suspect to see lovely photo ops with your new friends, like Qaddafi. Be sure to discuss the pleasures of golf in Scotland. Again, I urge you to do the right thing.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

ACORN, Felony, Sen. Robert Casey...Indefensible

Many of you are aware that the Senate voted 83-7 yesterday to cut off funding to ACORN. It is about time! This corrupt organization has finally gone too far even for the Far Left wackos..........Well, for almost all the Far Left wackos. No state can have a more miserable presence in the Senate than Pennsylvania. Arlen Specter and Bob Casey represent most of what is smothering the foundation of American society. Specter switches sides in a betrayal to those who voted for him and Casey votes to continue funding the criminal enterprise called ACORN. I thought Casey was simply a rubber stamp for the President but I was wrong; he is a Far Left zealot whose only motivation is more government at any cost. My letter below was sent to Sen. Casey's office today. There will be a standard, form letter response as he continues down the road to oblivion.


Sen. Casey, You have disgraced yourself in front of the entire Nation. Only 7 U.S. Senators were misguided to the extent that their vote was cast in support of continued funding to ACORN. You were one of those votes. I believe that in time ACORN will be exposed as the criminal enterprise behind untold incidents of voter fraud, intimidation, IRS fraud, and other felonious acts; more than 30 criminal indictments have already been issued. You may very well be acting as a co-conspirator with these criminals, not as a deliberate act; but out of blind devotion to a Left Wing agenda that will destroy the foundation of the United States. The United States and the good people of Pennsylvania desire ethical and honest representation in Washington. Clearly, you do not fit the bill.

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11/2001, A Solemn Memory

Today is a time for each of us to reflect on what this country stands for and say a prayer for those who perished. Watching a number of memorials honoring those who fell 8 years ago today brings a grave concern for our country. I believe that we are in considerably more danger today that at any time in my life. Sadly, the dangers comes from within. The far left continues to lay blame for acts of terror at the feet of this nation. We do not understand the plight of the oppressed Muslim people, we do not change our society to accommodate the principles of terrorists who pledge their lives to our destruction, and we do not stoop down at the feet of monsters who murder innocents around the world. We are racists who must be broken if we want to close our borders to illegals, if we believe that we have a language and it is English, and if we dare profile the murderers in our midst. The terrorist will never be soothed just as the dedicated Leftist will forever place the world's problems at the feet of Americans.

Every American school should present the History Channel documentary made from a random collection of 9/11 video. Pearl Harbor killed no greater number of Americans than did the 9/11 attacks and D-Day's 10,000 casualties had no greater impact than 9/11. Yet, if you ask 100 Americans to speak of either of these events, many cannot because our schools too often indoctrinate and do not teach. How can we impart the pride our nation so richly deserves if generations are ignorant of our history?

Here is what I say. Hunt down the terrorists and eliminate them. Do not yield to the opinions of other nations and our own committed Left. Evil knows only one master - and that master is Power.

Our enemy from within has its leader in the White House. Our President wishes to dismantle what remains of our moral fiber. We prosecute patriots who serve us in far off lands and protect the "rights" of terrorists. We apologize to the world at every turn for America's transgressions and make excuses for Hamas and Hezbollah as they pledge to destroy a nation. The Left attacks Sarah Palin as ignorant and corrupt, yet looks the other way as Charles Wrangle goes unpunished for known felonious act as he leads the Way and Means Committee. Our compass has lost its bearing.

Yet, there is hope. I will not believe that our Nation will falter. Our history speaks to the inner strength of this nation. Social and political upheavals are self-correcting acts. Our genesis as a nation is replete with evidence of cleansing acts. The War of 1812 forcefully established our rightful place in the world of nations, the Civil War purged an evil from our national soul. WWI, The Great Depression, WWII, Korea, The Civil Rights Movement in the 60's, Vietnam, the Reagan Revolution each frame momentous chapters in American history. In all of these events, our nation emerged stronger and more united in our ideals.

Now, our nation is once again at a crossroads. Will we succumb to those who wish to destroy our legacy and future as a nation? I say no. I say Americans will again define their destiny in the image of our Founding Fathers. It begins tomorrow with a march on Washington. May God Bless this Nation.

What of corruption at the highest levels of government? This discussion will continue.