Monday, February 28, 2011

It's Back - The Insanity is Too Much to Bear

Silence be gone.

Fiscal realism is at the door. Is America willing to make the hard decisions or will ideological dogma continue until the system implodes?

I am watching the Liberals run from their responsibilities in Wisconsin, Indiana, and Ohio. Violence is particularly troubling in Wisconsin. Even more absurd is watching the public unions in New Jersey call Gov. Christy the next Gadhafi because he is taking away their rights. Rights to what? To continue to take a free ride on the largess of the taxpayer? To refuse to come to grips with a unique circumstance called insolvency out of pure ignorance? 

it also seems that our president (small "p") Obama has little understanding of States (capitol "S") rights. Vilify the unions? Give me a break. The only rights violated and individuals vilified are those Americans who do not want to perpetuate the entitlement mentality that has metastasized through our society. He presents a budget that will increase the deficit over the next tens years to exceed the sum total of our Nation's debt since 1776. Nice work considering the last 2 years achieved a level debt that I believe quintupled our former champion spender "W." I may be off a little, but what's a couple of trillion to this guy.

Seattle has decided to allow public safety officers to decline enforcing laws or taking into custody any offenders that are being denied rights due to racial discrimination. By the way, this is a subjective judgement. Our president has encouraged the Attorney General to refuse to enforce Federal laws that do not recognize same sex marriage. I personally care little about who sleeps with who, but how the hell can a nation of laws ignore enforcement simply - BECAUSE. Why not just pull out copies of Marx's Manifesto and Mao's Little Red Book, tear up the Constitution in one fell swoop and empty the asylums. Oh yeah, we elected them already.

This is officially a rant and, admittedly, not completely coherent. But, I am stupefied and appalled by what I see every day in my country.

Pass it along, encourage comments; but most importantly, help stop the insanity.

"America will never be destroyed from outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln

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