Friday, April 24, 2009

The Woman Who Would Be Hilary or Needs a Village?

My purpose today is one of inquirer. 

The issue of enhanced interrogation has been rather prominent of late. Insightful comments such as "who knew what when", "did it work", "who said what", "what is a terrorist", "of marginal validity", etc...have been exchanged frequently. Those far more wise than I will determine the moral, ethical, political, abstract, sarcastic, and cynical relevance of the aforementioned queries.

I, on the other hand, have a question.


Ok. The Speaker has been a long time member of the House Intelligence Committee. During her tenure she has been the ranking Democrat on the committee, House Majority Leader, Chairperson of the committee, and Speaker of the House. Highly sensitive briefings were held on the issue of enhanced interrogation over a number of years. Subsequently, the committee members signed off on the restricted circumstances under which these techniques were allowable.

Now, Pelosi says she was either not informed about, misinformed about, inadequately informed about, mislead about, or misunderstood the substance of enhanced interrogation techniques and procedures (you chose, I can't figure it out). So, I must conclude that Speaker Pelosi is either stupid (unlikely, although Hilary might disagree), delusional, confused, asleep, or telling a fib.

My recommendation is for Ms. Pelosi to get back to The Village(s) because the job ain't finished!

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Pelosi should get back to the village... the one that's missing it's idiot (Washington is covered).
