Thursday, April 16, 2009

Who and Where Are the Terrorists

I'll keep this brief this morning. Janet Napolitano must go, now! Madame Secretary has capped off a month of egregious actions and statements with an inexcusable event. 

A serial review of events -
  • There is no longer a War On Terror
  • American will no longer torture captured terrorists
  • She embraced the closing of Gitmo
  • The U.S. is to blame for the drug-related violence on the Mexican border

So, in order to insure our safety, right-wing extremists are  being watched for evidence of supporting violence within our borders. Among the groups targeted, mentally compromised Veterans must be considered more likely to act violently against the U.S. In a live interview at 7:30 this morning, Napolitano just stated that Timothy McVeigh is an example of a veteran turned to violence. I might ask Napolitano why William Ayers,, The Daily Kos, and George Soros aren't under the same scrutiny? These vile entities have openly called for actions against our country that could be considered treasonous. 
Real time update. I just viewed a statement made today by President Calderon in Mexico, "American bears a large amount of the responsibility for the violence in Mexico." Yet another opportunity for our apologist President to accept blame for the World's ills. I'm sure that Mexico would long since have emerged from the third world assemblage of nations had it not been for Americans' demand for drugs. I do wonder aloud when the nation that was first settled by Europeans in the 16th Century (i.e., Mexico) is still an emerging nation. Maybe a reduction in 500 years of corruption would be a good first step.


  1. I lived in mexico for 3 years. The middle class Mexican would always say to me "Please, the US has to change this war on drugs, it is wrecking our economy and our rural communities".
    We DO bear responsibility. I live an hour from the border. We have gun shops that are exporting and smuggling guns to Mexico. To tell the truth about what is happening is the only way to solve any problem.

    Nepolitano is right. The USA should NEVER have an official policy to torture anyone, period. This has been our history, and why we were 'better' than any other country in the history of civilization. Cheney ruined our proud heritage.

    As far as 'targeting' the 'right wing'.....Timmothy McVeigh was a terrorist-a right wing terrorist who pulled off the worst attack on American soil before 9-11. The others you mention have not accomplished anything like-there is NO comparison. The truth, buddy.

    Guess who commissioned this study you loudly denounce here? It was Bush. These reports take 18 months or so to produce. All the background on this was done during the Bush administration.

    About time the real Right wing terrorist organizations, the racists, the White Supremacists get the same scrutiny as the Left. How does it feel to have an equal opportunity here? Hope a bunch of White skin heads get arrested for exercising their free speech like the left has for the past 8 years?

    Where were you when Bush put a war on a credit card? Saying it would last only 6 months.and here we are 3 Trillion dollars down the hole in Iraq with nothing to show for it except gigantic bank accounts for Haliburton, KBR, Root Brown & etc. Yea, a 7 year war on a credit card. Have a cup of tea on that FACT buddy.

  2. Hey Buddy,

    Did you see it written that the U.S. bears no responsibility for the drug problem? No you did not. We are one-half the problem, suppliers, growers, and government supported cartels outside the U.S. actually bear some responsibility. You agree?

    We do agree on at least one thing - although I doubt you will admit same. If you go far enough to the Right or Left you end up in the place. That Place? Fascism, anarchy, elitist, racism and every other form of societal degradation you can name.

    McVeigh was indeed a terrorist. So is Ayers. I believe they both used bombs to destroy things. Bigger point Homeland Security refuses to use the word terrorist or War on Terror?

    How is it that anything and everything is either the fault of President Bush or America as a whole? Are you suggesting that America simply bend over, abandon our sovereignty, and follow who?

    When and how are the real terrorists held accountable? Traffic tickets? You know the United States tried a protectionist, isolation policy once before. And, much to our surprise, Chamberlain's appeasement didn't work, the Japanese still invaded China, and Hitler still was Hitler. Give me a constructive pathway for the U.S. and the rest of the World to follow. No sane individual wants killing, poverty, death, etc...Pouring $$$US into the global pit of willing recipients has NEVER worked. NEVER.

    I like a little sugar in my Tea.

  3. The sane policy is exactly what Obama is doing. Diplomacy, soft power, getting coalitions of nations, having regional talks, .....all this is ahrd,m hard and difficult work. You have to have smart people who are not ideologically disposed.

    Terrorism is a historical certanty. You cannot fight it with an army. You must have other means, infiltrating groups, undercover (this is why there was such an uproar when Rove and Cheney outed Valerie Plame). We need an FBI and a CIA who are working together, who do not have ideological agendas, who do not have their intellegence interfered with by the office of the President. We are back to a fact based government.

    It will take time. The idiots from Liberty U and Bob Jones U need to be replaced with career professionals who know how to do the job.

    I think there are degrees here. Was Ayers a 'terrorist'? Yes, but one who bombed empty buildings, and has said he regrets his youth. the only people he killed were 3 of his own buddies, who blew themselves up. McVeigh Killed hundreds of innocent people. there is no comparison. None at all.

    The problem with Bush and Cheney and the terrorists is the torture policy. You cannot charge people with crimes confessed to under torture. It doesnt work, it is not ethical, it taints everything. Bush judges at Gitmo are saying this, not just me. They screwed this up royal. Obama will come out with how they are going to charge and convict and punish these people. But the ones tainted by torture? Try to sort that one out when over 90% of the people held at Gitmo were innocent to begin with.

    We are a nation of laws, not men. When Bush went off that course, he left a terrible tangle of problems that will take a while to sort out.

    (and btw, if you had not named this blog 'nobama', you might have more credibility)
