Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tea Parties: A Coda

Quote from The White House,

"The President is unaware of the Tea Parties,
but has his own event today."

Enough said!


  1. Yes, our President knows a manufactured event when he sees one. Hope you 'teabaggers' love being used by the super rich corporations, the global conglomerates, for a bit of fake populist rage.

    You all would have much more credibility if you had protested when Bush and Cheney were shoveling out our taxdollars to global corporations, global bankers, and global arms dealers.
    Israel does not torture people unlike your hero, Bush. Because the Israelis know IT DOES NOT WORK. And you will eventually see a report in the USA that will determine the same thing. Anyone who supports the idea of torture by the US is simply a sadist, and un-American.

  2. You are delusional with Leftist talking points. A manufactured event, absolutely. (BTW- how did the President know it was manufactured if he was unaware of the event?)

    Other manufactured events, political conventions, parades, campaign rallies, MSNBC, and Speaker Pelosi.

    You are also correct in saying that Israel does not torture. It uses impeccable intelligence , counter intelligence, and preemptive military strikes that kill the bad guys dead. And, unfortunately the most recent incursion into Gaza resulted in significant collateral damage. None the less, swift action using overwhelming force is the most effective and, ultimately, most humane manner in which one deals with lawlessness and terrorism.

  3. Glad you dont mind being used by the global corporations and the super rich! They will use you and then discard you, hahah.

  4. I forgot to invite to join the Tri-Lateral Commission, I am a Grand Poobah.

  5. What about the FBI warning the Bush Administration in 2004 that massive mortgage fraud was going on in this USAmerica?

    Bush did nothing NOTHING and caused the global economic crisis.

    Bush ignored the Osama Bin Laden pdb AND Richard Calrk. Bush did NOTHING and enabled the worst terrorist attack in history.

    He loved his base. the super rich. The Liberty Foundation. Look it up. all Corporate Robbers. You have been used.
